Thursday, August 28, 2014

Onward and upward

As library staff were moving around campus this summer - we're currently in the Wellness Center, check in next week for pictures! - construction on the library continued.  In mid-August, the beams were placed for the addition:

...and as of today (August 28), the addition looks like this from the outside.

Here you can see workers installing the tongue-and-groove flooring.

Inside looking out.

Offices are taking shape upstairs.

The stairs are still visible from the outside.

You can almost imagine yourself in the lower level of the addition (this space will house the archives and our book collection).

The new library instruction room and the technology experimentation space ("sandbox").

And finally, in case you were wondering what happened to those old "Quiet Zones" signs we used to have....they're STILL hanging on!!
(Dave, could you keep it down??)

Friday, August 8, 2014

Looking back the back of the library, that is!
Here is a picture of the original back side of our building.
This is what it looked like on June 17, 2014.
And as of yesterday, (August 7, 2014) we have new, bigger windows!
These will give students working in the lower level of the library a beautiful view of the surrounding hills, and allow for more natural light.